How To Manage Your Time As A Leader — 7 Tips That Actually Work

John Todorovic
Leadership Keystone
6 min readMar 9, 2023


Have you ever wished you had more time in a day? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably “too many to count.” But what if I told you that there are ways to make your time go further? By making only a few minor adjustments, you can learn to use your time efficiently and achieve more in less time.

As a leader, you must be able to manage your time well. Not only do you need to do your own work effectively, but you must also be able to delegate work and oversee projects.

I’ve prepared a few practical strategies that can help you optimize your time as a leader and achieve your goals. It’s time to take back control of your time!

The Problem with Time Management for Leaders

Recent surveys and studies have shed light on some of the biggest time management challenges faced by company managers. The Ken Blanchard Companies conducted a survey in 2022 involving over 800 managers from all areas of the organization globally. Those surveyed said they worked an average of 48.5 hours per week. Most of them said even though they put in all those hours, the tasks weren’t being completed. Wow! Imagine the burnout they must be experiencing!

By looking at these numbers and understanding what causes poor time management, we can work out strategies and habits to make the best use of our time and reach our goals.

Set Clear Goals and Priorities

Setting clear goals and priorities is an important step for leaders striving to improve their time management. Without a purpose, a plan of action, or a timeline for completion, you can quickly become overwhelmed with too many projects and tasks.

I’ve experienced this firsthand early on in my career. I kept taking on new projects without setting clear goals and timeframes for completion. Not surprisingly, I ended up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because I didn’t have a plan of action to get everything done.

To prioritize tasks in the most efficient manner, it is essential to identify achievable goals that come with specific deadlines or milestones. These goals also serve as a source of motivation and help keep you focused.

Create A Schedule

Creating a schedule is an important part of effectively managing your time. For leaders, it’s essential to create an organized and structured plan that takes all aspects of their commitments into account.

There are many approaches to constructing a successful schedule, so take the time to determine which works best for you. Some popular methods include setting aside blocks of time for specific tasks, dividing up tasks in lists according to priority, or using an old-fashioned pen-and-paper planner.

My all-time favorite method is time blocking. You don’t have to plan out your day down to the minute like Bill Gates does. You can start with a few simple blocks: work, leisure, family.

The point is, find what works for you and stick with it — this will help immensely when trying to stay on top of all your obligations.

Use Technology

In today’s digital age, technology can be an incredibly powerful tool for leaders when it comes to managing their time. Being able to automate mundane tasks and access real-time data saves both time and energy. This will give leaders more room for creative decision-making and problem-solving.

You should take the time to research your options when looking for tools that can help you boost efficiency and control your day-to-day duties. I use a combination of tools. Google and Outlook calendars combined with Notion and RescueTime help me maximize my days.

Technology can help you be more productive and efficient without having to put too much stress on yourself or your teams.

What’s your favorite app for managing time? Let me know in the comment section below.

Delegate Tasks

As a leader, you have many responsibilities competing for your time every day. It’s important to learn how to best manage your time by delegating tasks to members of your team who can take on extra work and contribute meaningfully.

Effective delegation of tasks shows you trust your team and empowers them to help in high-priority areas while remaining focused on their own roles and responsibilities. Much of my success in the hospitality industry was because I quickly learned the importance of delegation. Even though I felt I could do tasks more effectively and efficiently, I knew that wouldn’t help anyone in the long run.

Delegating the right tasks will streamline the workflow process. It will also give everyone more time to hone-in on what matters most and work towards making progress as a team.

Prioritize Self-Care

Many leaders are so focused on getting the job done that they rarely prioritize self-care. As important as excellence in the workplace is, it’s equally essential to maintain our overall well-being. Self-care includes quality diet and exercise, but it also means ensuring we set aside time to relax and unwind.

I realized this after experiencing burnout while managing a hotel and restaurant. I worked 12-hour days, sometimes weeks without days off, thinking I’ll achieve more. Was I wrong…

Write down a list of things that bring you joy each day so you can make sure you take time for some self-care, even when life’s chaotic. Taking regular breaks can help clear your head, get your brain working better and help you make better choices.

Learn To Say No

Learning to say no is an important part of time management for leaders. When you have too much to do and not enough time, it’s challenging to get it all done. By learning how to politely yet firmly turn down offers or requests that take up your valuable time, you can make room in your schedule for the most important tasks or activities that matter the most.

Any time I speak with my coaching clients and they ask me how to make more time in a day, I always emphasize the importance of learning to say no.

Saying no doesn’t need to be confrontational. With the right approach, you can remain professional and make progress in achieving your long-term goals. Taking control by saying no when necessary will help establish clear boundaries and restore balance back into your life. This will allow you to make more meaningful progress as a leader.

Continuously Evaluate and Adjust

For leaders, effectively managing their time is a crucial part of being successful. It’s not enough to just set aside a certain amount of hours for specific tasks. Review your workflow regularly and make changes where needed. This can help ensure that all hours of your day are spent in the most efficient way possible.

One way to do this is to be aware of how long each task takes and adjust accordingly. You may also want to make sure you have time at the end of the day dedicated to reflection. Reflect on what went well and what didn’t, so you can change the following day’s workflow.

Time management isn’t something that only needs attention occasionally. It should be something that is evaluated, adjusted, and monitored daily in order for you, as a leader, to be as effective as possible.

You CAN Manage Your Time

With the right planning and focus, effective time management is achievable for any leader. Get rid of procrastination and disorder by setting goals, scheduling, using tech, delegating, taking care of yourself, and evaluating. In addition, being able to say no is a key skill to stop yourself from over committing.

All of these skills combined can help every leader use their time more wisely and become more efficient in both their personal lives and careers. So take the first step today by reading the article below and increase your self-awareness, improve your learning, and grow as a leader.

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John Todorovic
Leadership Keystone

I help emerging and established leaders master their own leadership style, understand their team members, and adapt to the ever-changing business needs.